Lifejacket, whistle, resin putty, silver nitrate chrome coating, steel bracket, screws
72 x 28 x 31 cm
Child’s lifejacket, resin, metallized chrome coating, headphones, mp3 player
72 x 60 x 31 cm
Pavona Frondifera
Aluminium, rivets, lifejacket, foam, resin, silver nitrate chrome coating
24 x 20 x 20 cm
Aplysina Fistularis
Aluminium, rivets, lifejacket parts, resin, silver nitrate chrome coating
25 x 25 x 25 cm
Whistle and I’ll Come to You
Aluminium, rivets, lifejacket parts, resin, silver nitrate chrome coating
30 x 26 x 18 cm
The Silver Garden installation is a sound work and sculpture. The sound element is a first-person narrative about a supernatural figure that appears on a ferry in the Greek islands and inhabits a crowd of sleeping tourists. By dissolving into a thick fog, the protagonist possesses their bodies and travels back in time. The work combines traditional horror tropes and art historical references with a satirical tale of hyper-consumerism and environmental possession.